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La Cofradía San Andrés pone en marcha el teléfono de ayuda 698 97 73 86 para personas que lo necesiten con el objetivo de:

  • Pedir cita en el consultorío médico o de enfermería a través de internet (será necesario informar sobre el número TIS, el primer apellido y la fecha de nacimiento)
  • Otras necesidades de apoyo

El horario de atención será de 09:00 a 14:00 horas y de 17:00 a 19:00 horas desde el lunes 11 de enero.

Organiza la Cofradía San Andrés y colaboran Marisa del Campo y Merche Berganzo.

-- -- -- -- -- La Cofradía San Andrés les desea Feliz Año 2021 -- -- -- -- --


Belén Monumental de Elciego

El Belén Monumental de Elciego se podrá visitar desde el día 19 de diciembre hasta el 6 de enero en la Casa de Cultura en el siguiente horario:

Laborables: de 18:00 a 21:00 horas

Festivos: de 13:00 a 15:00 horas y de 18:00 a 21:00 horas

Uso del Punto Limpio de Elciego

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Formularío de solicitud de uso del punto limpio

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Convocatoria pública y bases reguladoras de la concesión de subvenciones económicas directas y extraordinarias para ayudar al pequeño comercio y hosteleros el Elciego para mitigar los efectos económicos provocados por el Covid-19

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Apertura del cementerio - Festividad de Todos los Santos

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Convocatoria para mantenimiento del Belén Monumental de Elciego

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Cifujazz Space

The CIFUJAZZ Space give rise to a project aimed at maintaining the human and documentary legacy of Juan Claudio Cifuentes, who died in 2015, thus paying tribute to his great contribution as populariser, expert and devotee of jazz music.

The so-called Casa de los Maestros (House of Teachers), home to the local Tourist Office and Municipal Library, also houses various cultural and leisure facilities.  This space was designed as a visual recap of the three most significant aspects of Juan Claudio Cifuentes ´professional career: the television programme Jazz Among Friends, which includes a detailed simulation of the programme´s club stage; Cifu´s long dedication to radio is recalled with another emulation, in this case a small and coquettish radio studio.  A display cabinet of the different awards and recognitions received by Cifuentes throughout his life leads us to the area equipped to house his record collection.

The space, granted by the City Council of Alava, has been designed and created by Gorka Otsoa from Vitoria; a place where Cifu´s presence can be perceived practically from street itself. 

The aim of creating this space is to turn it into a centre of irradiation of culture and jazz activity based on the figure of Cifu. 

The idea is to offer small monographic exhibitions, research projects to promote jazz, the creation of a bibliographic collection, talks, collaboration agreements with all kinds of jazz initiatives (associations, concert cycles or festivals, publications or centres for documentation or the promotion of music) or the programming, on an annual basis and during the summer, of one or several conference sessions in memory of Juan Claudio Cifuentes that would include holding one or more concerts. The setting for all these initiatives would be the town of Elciego, notwithstanding the fact that activities may be held from time to time in other parts of Spain, such as travelling exhibitions, etc. Lots of “embraces, hugs and cuddles for everyone” as the maestro used to say. 



Frank Gehry Architecture - Marqués de Riscal

Building designed by the Canadian architect Frank Gehry, winner of the Pritzker prize, among others.

The building is 24 metres high with four floors. It has a complex geometry materialized externally in stone, glass and metallic elements, a reminder of those used in the Guggenheim Museum, Bilbao, although in this building Gehry uses titanium and stainless steel to envelope the stone structure suspended on three pillars. This mantle is made up of coloured undulating sheets which are the most characteristic element of the whole building.  Inside, the use of wood, steel, leather and marble prevails: traditional materials selected to combine harmoniously with the decoration, furniture and other elements, some of which are designs that already represent the successive avant-garde movements of the 20th century. 


Hautesle errolda kontsultatzea - Exposicion censo electoral

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Hautesle errolda kontsultatzea - Exposicion censo electoral

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